Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hack Vista Restore Point to Log On to a System

Hack / Use a Vista Restore Point to Log On to a System

If you've recently set a new password and forgotten it, this is a quick way around the problem.
The only thing is that you must have had System Restore enabled and that you need to remember your previous password.
If this applies, then Insert your Vista installation DVD into your drive and reboot. Start the installation process and designate the system language, the time, and your keyboard format.

At this point the option Repair your PC will pop up, so select that and click Next.
Now select the System Restore option and again click Next. Select the restore point you'd like to use, confirm your selection, and click Finish, then Yes when it's time to restart.
Once the system restarts, close the System Restore process and log on using your older Password.

You may have lost a little bit of data, but the Hack works pretty well.

Note: You can even get the lost data, if your backup process runs often enough you should be able to restore that from your NAS or server.


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